Don’t give up on your New Year’s resolution just yet

February 22, 2017

According to a recent survey, four out of 10 Americans say they make New Years resolutions, but less than 10% feel they're actually successful in achieving their goals. Keeping a resolution involves equal parts planning, motivation and setting realistic expectations.

If you resolved to save energy or cut back on spending in 2017 but you already feel like your progress has slowed, don't be discouraged! Mass Save has some tips to help you stick to your resolution, put more money back in your pocket and enjoy a more comfortable home.


Set specific goals

People who resolve to "lose 15 pounds" typically do better than those who just say they want to "lose weight." So have a target in mind for energy savings, such as reducing kWh usage by 10% or lowering your bill by 10%, for example. Reading your bill every month is an easy way to track your goal. Just make sure to compare your usage vs. one year ago, rather than month-over-month, as your energy needs and usage likely changes with the seasons. You'll also want to note when you made changes to your behavior or installed energy saving products to track their effect.


Small steps add up to big results

People with a goal of running a marathon, or even the more modest "couch-to-5k" plan, build out their training over a period of months, steadily increasing the distance they run over time until they get to their ultimate goal. You may not have the budget to completely renovate your house or replace all of the energy draining appliances at once, so make an upgrade or two each month and by the end of the year, you can look back and marvel at what you've accomplished.

Relatively small changes include replacing frequently used incandescent light bulbs with LED bulbs, using advanced power strips or installing a Wi-Fi or programmable thermostat. At some point, you may want to take a "big step" toward more energy savings, like replacing you heating and cooling equipment or hot water heater. Whatever steps you take, chances are Mass Save has a rebate available for you.


Get support to guide you and cheer you on

Having someone on your side to offer encouragement, advice and keep you on track is an effective way to fulfill your resolution. Much like having a nutritionist, personal trainer or financial adviser in your corner, an Energy Specialist can help you establish a roadmap to a more comfortable, energy-saving home. Scheduling a no-cost Home Energy Assessment through Mass Save is the first step to understanding which opportunities are right for your home. Your Energy Specialist will identify and walk you through a prioritized list of additional energy upgrade opportunities such as weatherization and appliance replacements, along with the rebates you may qualify for. He or she may install instant energy savers such as LED bulbs, thermostats and advanced power strips at no cost at the time of your assessment.

It's not too late to fulfill your resolution to save money and energy. For additional ideas on how you can save throughout the year, check out our blog archives.

Lighting & Appliances

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