Custom Incentives

Receive custom support and incentives for a variety of energy-saving projects and measures.
Custom Incentives Hero

Energy-efficiency equipment or projects not covered by standard incentives may still be eligible for custom incentives. These projects typically require additional energy analysis or other technical assistance.

For projects that involve new construction, major renovations, installation of new, unique high efficiency equipment, or replacing existing equipment with new, higher efficiency models, please contact your Mass Save Sponsor and use the Custom Project Application.

  • Must be an existing customer of Berkshire Gas, Cape Light Compact, Eversource, Liberty Utilities, National Grid, or Unitil
  • All applications for custom incentives require sound documentation of the proposed cost, projected electricity and/or natural gas savings, and the related non-energy savings. Specific TMYx weather files must be used for all projects/studies initiated after 7/15/2023.
  1. Contact Your Program Sponsor
    Contact your Sponsor before purchasing and installing the equipment to see if the energy-efficient measure(s) are eligible for custom incentives. All applications for custom incentives require sound documentation of the proposed cost, projected electricity and/or natural gas savings, and the related non-energy savings. Specific TMYx weather files must be used for all projects/studies initiated after 7/15/2023.
  2. Submit Application with Required Documentation
    Download & Email Custom Project Application 
  3. Technical Review
    A technical representative at your Sponsor will review the application and develop a Minimum Requirements Document which describes the equipment specifications and operational requirements of the proposed system. You will be required to sign this document. 
  4. Project Approval
    After a successful review, the Sponsor will notify you in writing of the project approval and the incentive amount. You must adhere to the Terms and Conditions in order to receive the final incentive payment.

The following gas or electric high-efficiency measures and others may be eligible for custom incentives.

  • Pipe, Tank, and Valve Insulation
  • Boilers (>300 MBH and 95% AFUE)
  • Insulation, Air Sealing, & Weatherstripping for Buildings > 8,000 square feet 
  • Building Management Systems (BMS) for Lab or Process Spaces
  • Combined Heat & Power (CHP)
  • Adding Combustion Controls
  • Compressed Air Leak Repair
  • Adding Heat Recovery
  • Process & Manufacturing Equipment
  • Solar Thermal Systems
  • Steam System Leak Repairs
  • Window Systems
  • Steam Trap Jackets