2022 Mass Save Climate Leader

Tufts Medicine: Lowell General Hospital

About Lowell General Hospital

Lowell General Hospital (a part of Tufts Medicine) is an independent, not-for-profit community hospital. With two primary campuses located in Lowell, Massachusetts, Lowell General Hospital offers the latest state-of-the-art technology and a full range of medical and surgical services for patients, from newborns to seniors.

Their mission is to put patients first in everything they do.


Why They Are a 2022 Climate Leader

The Sponsors of Mass Save selected Tufts: Medicine Lowell General Hospital as a 2022 Climate Leader for their ongoing commitment to annual energy efficiency improvements, including:

  • High Efficiency Lighting Upgrades
  • HVAC System Upgrades

Over the last six years, their efforts have saved nearly 2 million kWh of electricity. That is the same positive impact as the work of 1,677 acres of forests capturing carbon for one year.


Learn more about the 2023 Mass Save Climate Leaders

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